A personal learning network, although often emergent and continually developing, does not just happen. It requires cultivation. To begin your thinking on how to cultivate your PLN complete the activities below. To Do: Read Howard Rheingold’s Advice on Building a PLN. The ebook Learning in a Digital Age by Cathy L. Green of Oklahoma State more… »
Collaborator Activites
Building personal learning networks to collaborate and share knowledge with colleagues within, across, and between disciplines.
The Collaborative Dining Table

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 3510 views • 113 responses • 4 resources
Think about the past year of your professional life. What types of projects or ideas have collaborated on with others? To Do: Find an openly licensed image of a dining table on Unsplash, Pixabay or Creative Commons. Select an Image editing tool in the EdTech Sandbox or one you are familiar with, to begin modifying the more… »
Mapping your PLN

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 4030 views • 124 responses • 4 resources
To map your PLN, use a tool such as Google Draw, Coggle, Miro, a Teams Whiteboard template or even PowerPoint (see more Visual Organizer Tools in the EdTech Sandbox), to create a visual diagram of the people, organizations, collectives, and others who are in your network. If creating a visual diagram presents a barrier for more… »