Tools Response

Created by Pamela Koski Bryant (@BryantKoski), response for It’s Alive! Activity

The tool I decided to focus on was youtube. I have decided to use youtube videos on top of my lessons as a way to teach the students how to change brushes in the air monitoring equipment motors. I believe that hearing someone else while seeing it multiple times will help guide the students in more… »

Technology creation Response

Created by Pamela Koski Bryant (@BryantKoski), response for Using the SECTIONS Model to Evaluate a Tool Activity

A lot of the students come into the program with different ideals on what they should be taught. They never know that simple technology sometimes is the best to use. We often use excel to look at and analyze our data. It is accessible to most and the most common tool used to compare data more… »

Learner Challenge Response

Created by Pamela Koski Bryant (@BryantKoski), response for Learner Challenge Activity

I have been putting students in groups. I give each group a specific scenario. They have to come up with the best way to monitor the specific air quality scenario. They then teach the rest of the class the air monitoring program they have designed using the technology appropriate for that scenario. Interesting to see more… »

to use technology or not….. Response

Created by Pamela Koski Bryant (@BryantKoski), response for Activity

Digital literacy is something I struggle with as a teacher. I try to make things interesting by using multiple platforms for learning, however, going back to the power point/lecture style is always a comfortable way for me to teach my students. I am trying to incorporate new ways of learning in each of my classes more… »

Digital literacy Response

Created by Pamela Koski Bryant (@BryantKoski), response for Activity

Digital literacy is something I struggle with as a teacher. I try to make things interesting by using multiple platforms for learning, however, going back to the power point/lecture style is always a comfortable way for me to teach my students. I am trying to incorporate new ways of learning in each of my classes more… »

Patchbook and nuggets! Response

Created by Pamela Koski Bryant (@BryantKoski), response for Patchbook and nuggets! Activity

Ontario Extend: Nugget from the Patch Twenty-Four: It’s Not (So) Scary to Walk the Walk ‘I need to learn what resources and skills I need to create an effective and accessible assignment. And I need patience, as demonstrated by the suspicion that I see multiple “takes” in my future as I learn how to develop more… »