Entrepreneurship in healthcare Response

Created by Erin Gilbart (@egilbart), response for Find Your Fit Activity

I am developing curriculum for a new course on entrepreneurship in healthcare and located the following resources (key words included entrepreneurship, innovation, healthcare, case study using combinations of boolean operators): This open-source text from the eCampus Ontario library contains many of the foundational concepts that will be key components of the course (e.g., business models, more… »

Entrepreneurship Start-Up Financing Cycle Response

Created by Erin Gilbart (@egilbart), response for Consider This Activity

Wikimedia Commons was used to search for a diagram related to innovation and entrepreneurship. Key words included ‘innovation’ and ‘entrepreneurship’. The chosen image provides helpful context for learners in better understanding the financing cycle for start-up companies as part of an entrepreneurship course in health care. The image does not incorporate diversity and inclusion. Citation: more… »