How to Connect Online Mind Map

A response to the Syllabus Concept Map Activity
created by Stephanie Ferguson (@stpark)

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I haven’t always been a huge fan of mind maps because I sometimes find them messy, visually tiring, and a bit confusing depending on the setup. In this activity, I decided to build on my topic from Activity #1 and create a mind map of an idea for a course that could be a helpful start for faculty on how to connect online with their students. I used, and it was actually quite fun once I got going. I surprised myself at how many branches I ended up with, and I could have easily kept adding more! It definitely made me realize that although it’s a great starting point for organizing my ideas and planning the layout of the course, I would definitely want to simplify/structure it more. Right now, I think the visual is too overwhelming as an overview of the course to be helpful to those taking it. However, it IS a helpful visual for me to see, and it was a helpful process for me to work through. 


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