I’m an Experimenter! + Reflection

A response to the I’m an Experimenter! Activity
created by Stephanie Ferguson (@stpark)

Number of views: 450

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Wow! This last activity of making a video was the most challenging of all and took the longest time. I wanted to try so many things, which meant a LOT of experimenting and googling. Not everything worked out as planned, but it was a great lesson and I’m mostly happy with it. I ran into so many snags along the way, which was both exhausting and fun because I learned a ton. I’m not super happy with the audio both the quality, consistency, and my “script”, but I eventually just had to let the idea of perfection go in favour of finishing. As the quote says, “Perfection is the enemy of progress.” 🙂 The video ended up being 12 minutes in length instead of the suggested 2-3 minutes but since I included my reflection piece in here, hopefully, that’s ok!

(I also linked all of my Experimenter module activities below my video in the description box on YouTube as well.)

Example for "I’m an Experimenter! + Reflection":