Three Keys of SoTL

A response to the Three Keys of SoTL Activity
created by Aisling Dennett (@aisling.dennett)

Number of views: 90

3 key characteristics of SoTL that I identified with in my own teaching:

  • Grounded in context – building on what is known. My student demographic has largely been international students so it has been vital for me to ensure the content is taught with this context in mind. 
  • Conducted in partnership with students – as they are the SMEs in their own cultural contexts, involving them, and finding out from them what is relevant or not to their own lived experience has been immensely valuable for me. 
  • Going public – not necessarily through mediums such as publication, but through capturing the content evolution in the course materials, and  sharing with other faculty. 

One Response to “Three Keys of SoTL”

  1. David Schenk

    David Schenk:
    1. improve learning by implementing optimized teaching practices based on research and evidence to support changes in practice
    2. ensure SoT involves an awareness and effectiveness to a your own practice
    3. review and implement changes to improve when something does not work


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