Trust The Process Response

Created by Johnryl Chu (@Chrono), response for Share Your SoTL Research Plan Activity

Honestly, at the beginning of this module, I was quite stress and pressured on starting a research project outline. I have done scholarly research before, and I understand how rigorous, systematic, and time-consuming it can get. So, while I do love to do research, I always opt not to after considering the amount of work more… »

Locating Supplemental Resources & Activities with OER Response

Created by Marsha Appling-Nunez (@m.applingnunez), response for Find Your Fit Activity

My working definition of content curation is more than a list of tools, apps, random articles and sites for individuals lucky enough to stumble across it. It is a collection of constantly updating tools and apps, current articles, and sites that are readily used. Because what is the point of knowledge on a shelf? When more… »