To Do: Explore the UDL Explorer and try one of the challenges. When entering your response for this activity, be sure to name and link to the specific UDL Challenge you chose. After you make your submission, save the web address to your response (found in the green confirmation box) so you can use it later for your more… »
Experimenter Activites
Experimenting with new approaches, pedagogies, and technologies to support learning.
I’m an Experimenter!

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 6426 views • 125 responses • 4 resources
It is now time to reflect on what you have accomplished through your experimentation efforts in this module. To do: Prepare a detailed written reflection that includes responses to the questions below. Which three experimenter activities did you choose to complete and why? Include the links to your Activity Bank responses. Identify and explain three more… »
More than Quizzes

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 2211 views • 49 responses • 1 resource
Quizlet and Quizlet Live are platforms for producing in-class interactive activities that include content review, flashcards, matching games, spelling and more learning tools. To Do: Start by exploring existing content created by other educators, organized by subject. Then, when you have an idea of what kind of activities you want to experiment with, create a more… »
Padlet Padlet

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 2307 views • 51 responses • 1 resource
Creating a Padlet is often described as building a living, breathing web page. If you have engaged with the Curator and Technologist modules you will have encountered this tool already. If you would like some inspiration, have a look at 30 Creative Ways to Use Padlet for Teachers and Students (BookWidgets blog) for a list of more… »
Going Interactive With H5P

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 3219 views • 60 responses • 2 resources
For this activity you will experiment with H5P as a way to add interactive web elements to almost learning content hosted in WordPress or LMS platforms such as Canvas, Moodle, or Blackboard (these may require a plugin), or any other web site where you can add custom HTML code. The name comes from the elements more… »
Information as a Graphic

Created by Ontario Extend ( • 3401 views • 66 responses • 4 resources
We have no shortage of tools and articles for how to generate an infographic, but the most important steps happen before you open a tool- identifying your audience, the topic, researching and tracking the data you will use, and planning out the best ways to visualize the information. Have a look at an infographic about more… »
Virtual Field Trips

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 1997 views • 21 responses • 1 resource
Experiment to create a field work inspired activity for one of your courses using one of the following virtual tour experiences: Google Streetview connects with Google’s map service to show fully navigable views of map locations. This offers a means to observe anywhere on earth they have mapped. The Streetview Gallery provides examples of where more… »
Built To Share

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 2049 views • 17 responses • 1 resource
For this activity, experiment by building or customizing an openly licensed graphic or other resource for a concept related to your discipline, and share it via OER Commons, the “public digital library of open educational resources.” To Do: Use the OER Commons Open Resource Builder to assemble and publish your OER. Why share here? It more… »
Come In, Come In!

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 2105 views • 22 responses • 4 resources
A bridge or hook is an effective teaching approach to gain a learner’s attention and build motivation. To do: Create a short video, that serves the bridge or hook purpose to welcome students to your course (think course trailer even), or your blog website, with one of the freely available tools highlighted in the Online more… »

Created by Ontario Extend (@extend) • 2268 views • 59 responses
Online survey or audience response tools are powerful for capturing opinions and understanding your students or colleagues better. To Do: Explore an online survey tool. Experiment by creating and conducting a five-question survey of your peers about ways to use technology-enabled activities. Users of the Google suite might try Google Forms, which store data in more… »